by Eddie Pipkin
I have a new neighbor. He and his girlfriend seem like the nicest couple. We took them some cookies; we liked them instantly. But this affable new guy has proven utterly inept at figuring out the culture of the cul-de-sac, the established routines that keep the neighborhood humming. I submit, as evidence, his complete disregard for the trash and recycling schedule and procedures. I’ve tried to help the fellow out—explained the process, showed him where things go, and sent him the link to the website that details it all. He just keeps on putting out the wrong bins on the wrong days and mixing the trash with the recyclables, willy-nilly. I can’t tell if he’s a rebel or just really slow on the uptake. Either way, it got me thinking about how, in the ministry space, there always have been and always will be a small group of folks who just refuse to get with the program.
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