by Eddie Pipkin

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Are you a “satisficer” or an “optimizer”?  If you don’t know the difference, this is the blog for you.  And you should know the difference, not only for yourself, but for the people around you.  It’s one of the keys to knowing how to play well with others.  For instance, I’m heading out on an international trip in a couple of days with nine of my closest friends.  Many logistical decisions will be in flux, and the satisficer versus optimizer struggle will be real.  Just like it is every day in your local ministry settings.

An optimizer is a person who is focused on always making the absolutely best possible choice.  If they’re buying a coffee maker, they do three days worth of research on exactly the best coffee maker that not only meets their every potential coffee making need, but also looks stylish on the kitchen counter, as well as being a deal to brag about.  If they are going on a trip to a new city, they are obsessed with eating in THE best restaurant, according to all available reviews.  If they are hosting an event, it has to has to f