Guest Blog by Rev. Dr. Candace Adams

One of my favorite gifts to receive is a flowering plant. This year for Christmas, I received an amaryllis bulb. Typically, the bulb produces a green stalk and a large white flower. When I opened the container, I discovered that the bulb had already sprouted. In order for the stalk to grow upward, I needed to put a dowel stick underneath it to support it. Soon a beautiful white flower emerged. But the bulb wasn’t done producing. Within a few days, another stalk surfaced, and two more beautiful white flowers appeared. I was delighted. But much to my surprise, a third stalk appeared. This one would produce four additional brilliant white flowers. This bulb reminds me of the potential that is captivated inside of each human being. Spiritually there is so much beauty waiting to emerge within us. 

Like my plant, sometimes support is needed for a person to become all that he or she was created to be. This is where a Spiritual Wellness Practitioner can be of assistance. A Spiritual Wellness Practitioner comes alongside of a person on his or her journey and encourages him or her to embrace the fullness of a loving and grace-filled relationship with God.

Since there are many different types of plants, understanding what makes a particular type of plant grow is critical. Some require full sunlight and others grow best in the shade. Some plants need lots of water and others need very little water. Also, plants require different types of soils.  

Spiritual Wellness Practitioners recognize that connection with God is necessary to spiritually bloom and grow. They understand what contributes to and inhibits a person’s spiritual wellness. They acknowledge that people connect with God in a variety of different ways. Ultimately, Spiritual Wellness Practitioners lean into the Holy Spirit to cultivate the soil of the soul. Artful conversations position a person to connect deeply with God. They utilize assessment tools and a wide gamut of spiritual practices to accompany individuals on their faith journey. 

If you desire to see individuals spiritually grow and bloom, God may be calling you to be a Spiritual Wellness Practitioner. Our next Spiritual Wellness Practitioner training program will begin in mid-April.  If you would like more information, please contact Rev. Dr. Candace Adams at