Multiplying Resources

Facilitation Skills

One of the foundational skills of effective leaders is the ability to facilitate a meeting. Whether working with a small group, a class, a ministry team, an event design team, or a governing board the ability to lead a focused a conversation, invite disparate viewpoints, discover the possibilities, determine the best options, and build a [...]

Facilitation Skills2024-01-14T18:49:17-05:00

Behavioral Covenants

Creating a Safe Space for Ministry We’ve all had experiences with teams, committees or groups that were judgmental, gossipy, controlling, cliquish and sometimes even bullying. And we long for a better way. Afterall, we are disciples of the one who was the antithesis of these behaviors. As disciples we are called not just to know [...]

Behavioral Covenants2024-01-14T19:23:01-05:00