August 7, 2014
By Phil Maynard
If you want to see real results and relationships, become a coach to others and take them on the journey from where they are to where they want to go! Coaching people through their faith journey will impact your life and the lives of those you coach…
-Phyllis Hendry, President and CEO, Lead Like Jesus
As Bishop Will Willimon puts it in the Forward to this book:
Discipleship doesn’t come naturally. Few of us have had any prior experience in speaking the truth in love, standing up for righteousness, forgiving our enemies, loving the unlovable, serving rather than being served. We need help…Jesus didn’t just call individuals to walk in his way…Jesus functions as a coach – in constant conversation, asking questions, listening to them, urging them on, evaluating their work, and helping them grow along the way.
Faith Coaching is a resource that helps disciplers become effective partners, participating in the work of the Spirit by coming alongside as an advocate and helper. Not as a person with all the answers but as a person who believes in the power of God to transform lives and in God’s intention for people to bear the image of their creator.
Coaching focuses on bring to light what the person being coached already know (but may not know they know!) and then helping the person to make decision and dtake action so they can move forward to some goa