June 23, 2014

By Phil Maynard

Thomas G. Bandy is an internationally recognized church consultant and leadership coach. The author of many books over the years, this may be my favorite due to the very practical nature of this resource. Bandy has been a leader in the development of helpful resources for understanding demographic research and the implications of that research for ministry in the local church as well as for denominational leadership as clergy are deployed for greater effectiveness.


Part 1 (click here for part 2)

Thomas Bandy, in See, Know & Serve The People Within Your Reach, provides a great resource for church leadership, pastors, and denominational leaders seeking to understand the mission field and better bless the communities that we have been called to serve.  The book is divided into two distinct parts.  The first part focuses on understanding the demographic tool and its value in helping churches connect more effectively with their communities.  That is the focus of this Part 1 summary.