Membership to Discipleship Book
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Membership to Discipleship: Growing Mature Disciples Who Make Disciples

Membership to Discipleship answers the fundamental questions facing those who would answer Christ’s call to encourage and equip those who would follow: “What behaviors mark the lives of growing disciples?” and “How do we provide the support and tools disciples need if they are going to grow toward maturity?” Based on the best current research and thousands of hours of hands-on work with local congregations, Membership to Discipleship offers a fresh, creative framework for thinking about how the discipleship process works, as well as plenty of hands-on strategies and real-life examples of putting theory into practice.

Understand the stages of discipleship. Rethink and reimagine old strategies for discipleship ministry. Learn to measure what really counts in results-oriented ministry. Get out of the rut of a “one size fits all” approach and embrace the flexibility of helping disciples customize their spiritual journeys, all through lens of the ‘best practices’ of Christians through the ages. Check out Membership to Discipleship today.

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