March 17, 2015

By Phil Maynard

Creating Powerful Worship Experiences

(Part 3 of an 8-part blog series)

Clarifying the Destination

It is difficult to know if we have successfully arrived at our destination without first having a clear concept of where it is we are headed. And likewise, it’s difficult to get everybody else to the same destination unless everybody has agreed on where we’re going.

To quote the great Yogi Berra, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” Worship is no different. It’s not uncommon for worship to end up somewhere other than where we intended, but it’s even more common for the congregational worship experience to end up nowhere in particular because there was no clear destination in mind to begin with.

For congregations in transition this can be a tense dialogue, because 1) Worship is worship, and how can one kind of worship that brings glory to God be any more effective or meaningful than any other kind (framed often in the “turning worship into entertainment” complain