April 28, 2013

By Phil Maynard

“We are not meant to remain as children…but we are meant to speak the truth in love, and to grow up in every way in Christ, the head.”  (Ephesians 4:14, JB Phillips)

There is a deep-seated expectation in the contemporary church that it is the responsibility of the church, or more specifically the pastor, to provide for their spiritual growth.  This, of course, is evidenced in a variety of ways.  People connect with or leave a church based on the ability of the preacher to provide life-enhancing, thought-provoking, awe-inspiring messages all in under 20 minutes.  Our Christian Education storage closets are filled with plug-and-play Bible studies by those that once were the brightest and best teachers from around the country.

And rare is the pastor who has not heard the quip “I’m just not getting fed here anymore” as some family is leaving the church for the new one up the street with a better band and hipper preacher.

Now, it may be true that the preacher simply can’t deliver what a person perceives is needed.  Or that the newer and flashier Bible study CD’s are more relevant.

But it may also be the case that the problem is not with the preacher or the Christian Education department.  It may b