Discipleship Process
Even though our churches exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ, most congregations struggle to build an intentional process that supports the development of maturing disciples. Using the approach of Membership to Discipleship, our coaches guide your team through a step-by-step process of designing a comprehensive system for discipleship.
While the step-by-step process is described in the resource Creating a Discipleship Pathway (see store page), many congregational discipleship teams find having a coach to guide the process and help clarify applications to be very helpful. The Discipleship: Coaching Circles (see below) is an affordable way to create that partnership.
Discipleship: Coaching Circles
Do you want even more support as you develop your church’s strategy and structure for intentional discipleship? Joining a Discipleship Coaching Circle may be just the right support and guidance that you and your church needs to develop an intentional, relational, and accountable discipleship structure for your church.
The Discipleship: Coaching Circle is a 6-month process that allows EMC3 Coaching to come alongside you in an online, small group setting to develop your church’s vision and strategy for discipleship. You will be equipped with discipleship resources, assisted in building a core curriculum, and guided as you build your church’s discipleship process.
Click Here to Learn More About Discipleship: Coaching Circles