
Membership Covenant

This sample covenant is available to serve as a model/template for churches seeking to set clear expectations for membership.  Membership covenants clarify the congregations expectations for those who are joining the church.  Research clearly indicates that churches that are growing and engaging disciples in ministry are clear about expectations.  This is a covenant from an [...]

Membership Covenant2023-03-15T14:37:46-04:00

What People Need – Summary

This summary slide shows what research indicates people need from the church to grow as maturing disciples.  Research (Willow Creek Reveal Study) has identified some common elements that disciples say they need from the church to grow toward maturity.  You may be surprised at what they say!

What People Need – Summary2023-03-15T14:37:53-04:00

What’s The Difference Slide

This table indicates some of the distinctions between what it means to be a member in contrast to what it means to be a disciple.  In a church culture that still counts people on membership rolls as a valid indicator of church health this table helps us identify some of the distinctions between this and [...]

What’s The Difference Slide2023-03-15T14:38:01-04