The following workshops are available for presentation by EMC3 Coaching staff or Facilitation Partners for training within your Conference or District. Several United Methodist Conferences are using/have used these materials with very positive results. A recent trend in their use is the equipping of “Lighthouse” (or equivalent) churches, providing a safe space for those seeking to remain in the UMC during this time of turmoil.

Discipleship Pathway Training Resource: This in-depth training (6 hours) can be scheduled as either a 1-day or 2 half-day events. Participation is limited to 20 participants, allowing time for personal interaction, questions, and additional processings. The objectives of the workshop include:

  • A clear understanding of the biblical idea of being a disciple
  • Understanding the state of discipleship in the Church today and the issues that have gotten us to this state of being
  • Defining discipleship in a biblical and contemporary model that captures the essence of discipleship and provides flexibility for local contexts
  • Describing the dimensions of discipleship, how they relate and interact, and how they are developed as disciples move toward maturity
  • Understanding the needs of growing disciples at each phase of development
  • Designing training appropriate to the level of discipleship for each individual
  • Creating relational contexts for disciples at each phase of development
  • Articulating a clear pathway, both inside and outside of the church, for supporting the formation of maturing disciples

(Includes Permission to Print Copies for Your Team)

ENGAGE! Training Resource: This comprehensive training focuses on the development of personal and corporate hospitality with accepting, welcoming, inclusive, and loving relationships. This workshop addresses 4 dimensions of hospitality: interpersonal, intentional, invitational, and incarnations. The objectives include:

  • Training the congregation in the practices of welcoming guests to worship and fellowship events
  • Developing an understanding of what it means from a biblical perspective to be in a Christ-like relationship with other believers
  • Supporting the development of interpersonal relationships through the systems and ministries of the local congregation
  • Development of a comprehensive hospitality system for engaging newcomers to the congregation
  • Creating an effective guest follow-up system that promotes the development of a relationship with newcomers/guests
  • Design of church infrastructure/ministries to support the participation of individuals from beyond the congregation in worship, service, and fellowship events
  • Training of the congregation in sharing their stories and testimonies with those beyond the walls of the church
  • Identifying significant opportunities for engaging people beyond the congregation and supporting the identified needs

(Includes Permission to Print Copies for Your Team)

EMC3 Coaching staff and Facilitation Partners are available to provide in-depth training and coaching/consultation with Hospitality, Discipleship, and Leadership Teams for the design of a Discipleship Pathway or Hospitality System. For more information, please contact Dr. Phil Maynard at or 321/217-6007.

To contact EMC3 about bringing this amazing training to your area, click here.