by Eddie Pipkin
Everything old is new again, and all formerly popular things eventually come back into fashion. It’s true for high-waisted jeans; it’s true for mullets (although, honestly, do they ever quite go out of style); and it’s apparently true for phone calls. Person-to-person audio as the new interactive video? There’s an app for that, believe it or not! Ministry practitioners are reminded yet again that an old-school, hands-on approach can be just what folks need to feel connected, inspired, motivated, or noticed.
I have written on more than one occasion about the power of personalized messages to help build strong relationships, especially in an age of technological dominance. The ubiquity of smartphones and social media have created all sorts of calculations for leaders in answering questions about the effectiveness of social media ‘posts’ to make people feel part of a community versus person-to-person connections achieved through the usage of ancient tecnolog